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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I do most of the laundry here so this is a project that Alicia and I wanted made, so we could store the laundry baskets out of the way and make a little more room in the laundry room...entryway from the garage.

Chris and Robbie created it and I helped with the painting and now it's in and I just gave ot a trial run...we'll need to get baskets to fit as they could only raise the washer and dryer so far... I like it!! and Alicia hasn't seen the finished project yet.


Janna said...

I like it...alot.

Kara said...

OK - I like, I like but can't least until my washer & dryer die. (AND THAT BETTER BE A LONG TIME FROM NOW!!)

marlene said...

Cool.....was great to have lunch with you today and get caught up....miss seeing you @wk.....but whatever....
