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Friday, March 25, 2011

day two....

This morning after breakfast...Jenae showed me some of the things they have made for craft to see all the crafty items....

In the early afternoon we went to school to spent an hour and a half with Keesha's classroom...her teacher is really fun and she had lots for us to do!!! I cut out some egg shapes. Then helped a little in the classroom with papers that the children were doing..can't believe what they do in Kindergarten!!

Jenae and I stopped at a couple stores and then on  home to pick up Glenn and Steph. We went to Organ Stop for pizza and entertainment. They have a fellow playing an organ that is really the whole plays from the ceiling, the back, the sides, and just everywhere that you look...we got the go upstairs to listen and you can feel the whole place vibrate!! You could put in requests.

Jenae, Steph and I spent an hour in the hot tub and while we were doing that Glenn made cookies for us...spoiled we were... we also played a game of scrabble and take two.

A fun day in sunny was beautiful....while home had lots of snow!!!

I liked the accordian..

the  organ...when it was break time if disappeared...

Glenn and Jenae listening and watching..

one of the pianos....


Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Sounds like a neat "eatin out" place! Do you have any left overs for me? I'm so hungry and I have 1.5 hrs left of work... please!?!?!?

marlene said...

Hey girlfriend...I'm jealous....while your there baking in the Arizona Sun, we got dumped on with another 12-14 inches of wet,heavy snow....
Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it. Greetings to everyone....

Kara said...

I am thinking that restaurant might be on my list of things to see if/when we get out there!! =-)

That is so neat that you get to go to the classrooms with Aunt Jenae. It's one of my favorite times of my days!!