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Saturday, October 20, 2012

What's happenin'

This week they started to do some demo on the yesterday they had all the ceiling of the greatroom part of the the house torn out and of  course the insulation comes down too. The carpet is pull up out of Robbies room and the master bedroom... and some of the doors have been taken off and a little of the sheetrock...Chris and Kevin took out some of the kitchen cupboards.

This Saturday morning I met Marlene for "coffee" that turned into breakfast!! We had a nice visit...miss seeing her every week.....

Stopped and got a board to put the grands pictures on....miss my frames...but someday I will have them back... I'll have to figure out a way to put them on here...but not today...


this is kind of hard to see..its is a quilt rack that was made by
Dick Pearson...will have to see if we can fix it up...


marlene said...

Hey g/f....sure enjoyed our little visit today. Yes I miss not seeing you so often....but thanks for the chat. See you tomorrow.

marlene said...

Hey g/f....sure enjoyed our little visit today. Yes I miss not seeing you so often....but thanks for the chat. See you tomorrow.

Kara said...
