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Monday, September 26, 2011


Sunday morning on the way to convention I got a call from Kara to pull over cuz she had something to tell me... she came to the car window and gave me the news that Lynda Pearson had died the night before.

We had some short visits those last days and Dick shook hands with me on the way out of meeting Saturday night. The picture I have in my mind is Lyn sitting a few rows ahead of us with her beautiful gray hair shining like silver.

Our family met with Dick and Lyn for 28 years or so... we watched each others children grow up and they had fun with each other. Our meeting had lots of losses in those years and we always got strength from each other.....great memories.... Just can't put on paper what those years meant to me and hope to be able to be true forever.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all Ruth! know you will feel this loss for a long time...sudden death is so shocking!

Jenae said...

Our sympathy

Heather S said...

so shocking to hear the news of her passing. a faithful pillar that will be missed. thankful for the reassurance she finished faithful.

Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Such a precious lady! :(...