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Friday, September 9, 2011

mom's health

Hi! I just wanted to drop a line to you all re: Mom. For the last several months she has become weaker and more unsteady on her feet. She is walking all weird... like a scissors. She has fallen more times than we know about I am sure! I took her to see her family Dr. and requested different pain meds and physical therapy. She will be going to therapy until they determine that she is no longer making improvements or they have no other options for her.

They told her to wear more supportive footwear (which she is), and use a walker. She does not want to use a walker which I can appreciate... She is using a cane instead, just for now until she is stronger. She has excersises that she does at home as well as therapy. Mom needs to do her outings, chores, whatever early in the day mostly, because by the evening she is weaker and unsafe (mentally and physically).

We also have an appt with her sarcoidosis Dr. in Grn Bay in Oct. I will go with her to talk to that Dr. also.

We also applied to a handicapped parking permit... which her Dr. thought she should have had long ago.

So, just FYI stuff for you all. We are not asking for anything, or needing help with anything... just updating eveyone because this is VERY upsetting and embarassing to Mom.

Love from the Behms in the Burg! :)