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Monday, November 21, 2011

Munchkin and what he does....

Mason calls his other Grandma...Nanna and now he has started calling me Granna instead of Granny!!

This afternoon he came down to my house and was doing this or that....I wasn't pay close attention and all of a sudden he is saying Granna, Granna,,,HOT, HOT!!! I looked that way and there was smoke comeing off the scentsy holder that I had on the he had played with the knobs and turned the burner on!! I had to find the right knob to turn it off and get the holder off the burner..By that time Mason was back upstairs!!!
HOT, HOT!!!!

1 comment:

Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Hope he was scared but good!!! Lil stinker...