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Monday, November 21, 2011

Munchkin and what he does....

Mason calls his other Grandma...Nanna and now he has started calling me Granna instead of Granny!!

This afternoon he came down to my house and was doing this or that....I wasn't pay close attention and all of a sudden he is saying Granna, Granna,,,HOT, HOT!!! I looked that way and there was smoke comeing off the scentsy holder that I had on the he had played with the knobs and turned the burner on!! I had to find the right knob to turn it off and get the holder off the burner..By that time Mason was back upstairs!!!
HOT, HOT!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Old brown cupboard.....

This cupboard has a story...when we moved to the farm in the Medford area it was living in the breezeway of the barn..used for storing cow medicines of everykind. Since we had an old farmhouse kitchen I wanted to have it in there...which meant the big job of stripping it...that was almost 30 years ago. (also this cupboard was used in the house many years before as the only cupboard Aunt Dorothy had when they first moved to the farm)

I used it in the entryway at the Dorchester home and in the laundry room of the Fremont house.

When we moved to the place by Waupaca the girls said I should not put it in the house....that house was small enough there was not it got stored in the garage.

WELLLL....after the fire and I bought the house in New London it came with me...I think it got put in he basement.

Since we moved into the log house in Ogdensburg it found a home in the back room.

After the new old stove got put in there was room in the kitchen for it...but she needed a new I tried to do a Shabby Chic...turned out not bad for the first time of doing this method...

brown dress

partly dressed

all pretty..

Thursday, November 10, 2011

2011 first snow..

We got our first snow yesterday November 9th and it was a very heavy wet snow and about 5-6 inches..I went to my swim class early in the day and came home about 10:00. The roads were horrible, it took me over an half hour to go the eight miles. We also lost power in the afternoon for two hours....some were out for much longer... find out we really rely on electricity!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

He was working hard!!!!

and Granny was shakey....