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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vista Royalle....

We went camping for a long weekend to a campground close to Bancrft Wisconsin. We took two of Chris' friend Kevin's kids along. On Saturday Kara, Terry and the kids came for the day. The fun is riding the golf cart around and the swimming the great food fixed over the fire....YUM!!

Trevor, Emily and Erin got to spend Saturday night with us....7 kids!!!

On Sunday we got up early got ready for meeting and headed to Kara and Terry's their kids could get between we stopped at Mickey D's for some breakfast that we ate at their house.

We went to meeting at Al Killiams. Then we were invited for  lunch. They had Trent and Sandra Nelson for lunch also....she was a Townsend which I knew when I lived in Scottsbluff Nebraska... so nice to see after 30 some years...when I lived there the young kids got together and went ice skating etc...


Kara said...

It was great, great fun!

Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Wow! Check out the muddy feet! Yikers...