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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Guest to Ruth's Cottage!!

Chris, the boys and I made a quick trip to Iowa to get Mom for a vacation in Wisconsin!!

While there we also made a trip down to the farm...since Mom has wanted to sure does not look well groomed like when the folks lived there!!

We made the trip back to Wisconsin in the early morning hours and the boys slept the first half of the is how we spent some of the evening hours while Chris mowed the lawn.

Mason and Great-grandma "Cat" (Rosa)


JKLMNOP said...

How sweet!! Hugs to you both!

Janna said...


Jenae said...

Enjoy, know Mom will:>)

marlene said...

Glad you mother is able to visit. Looking forward to seeing you both at my house for your Belated Birthday Dinner.....Later!!