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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

a change

Alicia and Chris' oven quit a few months ago and it was going to cost almost half as much as the they paid for the stove...4 years they have been debating of what to do and then I was making stuff for our camping trip and the microwave started all this time we have been using the oven in my house. Well after the microwave quit, I was looking on Craig's List to see if we could find something...their appliances are bisque in color and that will be hard to match...Wellllll I found something on CL that I really liked and we could make it fit and my stove and microwave could move upstairs.. Here's my NEW kitchen range!!!!


Kara said...

Wouldn't that look nice in an old farmhouse like mine???!!! jk
But I really do like it - I will be over for a homecooked meal in your "new" stove!

Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Looks awesome MOM! You must be soooo excited! We will be excited when your old stove finds its way upstairs... lol! :)

Jenae said...

How cute and just what you would like !!!

Janna said...

amen to the above ;-)

kaymarvt said...

can't wait to see it after its all done and put together and all the painting jobs are done! :) Exciting!