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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Let's do we fix this???

I quick got this picture as I was leaving to go to Kara's for Trevor's concert.

young mechanic
All of the grades have made great strides in their singing since their first concert at the beginning of the year. They sang Beatles songs....liked it very much!! Great job Trevor!!

some of the sixth grade choir
The next day Kara and I went to Oshkosh to run some errands and do some shopping..was fun in spite of the rain that lasted most of the day!! No pictures of us dripping wet!!


Jenae said...

Oh the Little Man is too too precious!!! Good job Trevor!

Janna said...

fun times

Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Sorry I missed the concert! I was planning on going... sigh! Too bad for me, good job Trevor!