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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today, Monday, I spent with Elaine...lunch was the first on our Red Lobster...those cheesey bisquits are so good!

They we found a thrift store to visit and the other one was closed....Monday seems to be a day that some stores chose to dare they!

We drove around and went to a park in Menasha by the was nice enough to take a short walk and get some pictures. Also saw some results of the wind storms we had a week ago... and then drove to the Kaukauna area ....lots of trees broken and down....some houses and garages damaged. That was the night that I was at Levi's...Kayla and I spent a while in the corner of the basement!!

Elaine finally got a wind chime made out of old silverware and a sugarer....I made it with the help of  Alicia...found out I could not do the threading of the pearls....hands are too clumsy and Chris drilled the holes.

budding trees...sping

like the willow tree with Lake Winnebago in the background

Lake Winnebago

1 comment:

Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Sounds like a fun day... no shoe shopping though?