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Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend in Minnesota

This past weekend we.. Chris,Alicia, Shawn, Mason and I took a trip to see Mom. We left on Friday after Alicia got off work and were going to see how the trip went as to wether we would go by the farm...this did not happen as Mason was not liking the trip toward the end. We went to Sibley and picked Mom up and took her with us to stay at Janna's for the weekend.
We just did whatever on Saturday and Sunday to meeting and then lunch and headed home about 3 o'clock...the roads were wet when we left but by Albert Lea they were dry and the sun came out...really glad for the good roads especially this time of the year.
The boys had a lot of fun together and  Chris got the snowmobile running and that really added to the fun.!!!

Chris Alicia
Mason 21 months
Shawn 8 years
Mom with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Isaac,Laura, Mom  Evan
Shawn, Mason, Alicia
Mom, Ruth, Janna

Evan, Kerry Isaac, Janna, Laura
 Thanks Janna and Kerry for putting us up and putting up with us!!! Much nicer than visiting the nursing home several times!!!


Janna said...

what a fun weekend, works great to hang out together...and the boys are hero worshipping THE DORK and all his atv/snowmobiling skills. THANKSforComingItWassofunbutIamsotirednow;-)butsmilewhenithinkofthetimetogether.

Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Thanks again Williams! Love hangin around there... :)