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Monday, February 21, 2011

visit with Mom..

Last night (2-20-11) mom was very clear and easy to visit with on the phone. Most of it was the “old days”….but it was nice to hear her tell the stories.

One that she told is remembering riding with her Dad ( Grandpa Faber ) on a horse and they saw a rabbit, so they rode after it to try to shoot it….when Grandpa shot they were both thrown off the horse and no rabbit for supper!!! I asked her if she ate rabbit and she said that no she did like wild meat. So that’s where I get it. HA!

picture of clothes on the line at the Pierson farm

We also talked about Grandma Faber and how hard she worked…I don’t think she had too much choice with that many little one!! Mom talked about washing clothes and that they had a washing machine that you had to crank to make the agitator work and no one liked that job! Later they had a washing machine that worked with a gas engine. Can you imagine washing diapers for so many little ones. For the daily clothes they didn’t have many so wouldn’t have been many of them, except for the number of people in the family. Once the older ones could do it they all helped with such things.
I remember when they lived at the Remsen place that June would wash clothes out in a old shed…I think she warmed the water out there on an old gas stove.

On this same subject I remember Mom and her set up in the basement for washing clothes and the two tubs to rinse them…one day I thought I would do it for Mom…glad I did cuz it sure makes a better chore with the automatic washers!!!

this is a picture from Holland
Another memory that I have is Grandma milking cows by hand…she would not sit on a stool..she would stand up and put her head in the flank of the cow and milk her that way…guess I would have to do it that was now too because I wouldn’t be able to get up or out of the way..if I had to in a hurry. “See Granny GO!!!”

She also talked about how her and Dad would go and cut trees for firewood. I know they would go to different farms and cut wood. She was telling of how they felled the trees and had to be careful to get them down on the right side of the fence line. Now days they have machines that cut the wood so easily..on a big scale anyway. Thinking of the danger that there was in all of this is scary.

to the left is the old "cob" shed where wood was stored and
and in the back you can see stacks of wood and also
old pallets that Dad and Mom used for wood
and took apart to build other fences


Alicia "Al" Krisher-Behm said...

Its nice to see the old pics!

Jenae said...

So sweet and special, you will never forget that visit with her:)

Kara said...

Thanks for putting it down for the rest of us to enjoy.

Janna said...

love your sharing the trip down memory lane....and pictures. The cob house use to be our play house too.