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Monday, March 15, 2010

Saying good-bye to the home place.

Chris, Mason and I are leaving in the morning for Iowa...we will be meeting up with my brothers and my sister Janna ( Jenae is waiting on a new grand baby!!) to clean up the farm.. It has been sold and we now have to say good-bye. Dad and Mom have lived on this place since March of 1957.

There are many memories for all of us and for all of the grandchildren and even the great-grandchildren. I know my grandchildren will always remember all of Grandpa's cats...they even had their own house! And the last of the cats is now in Sydney's care and living it up!!

Thanks Dad and Mom for caring for us all these years and it is nice to be able to do a little for you in a time when you can no longer do it for yourself.


Kara said...

Memories....mixed with lots of tears. I will never forget that many memories of driving in and seeing, first the old corn crib and THE barn....the list could go on and on. Changes are just so hard......But the fond memories will never be forgotten. Hopefully I can keep them alive for my kids as well.

Janna said...

Thankful that this was my home the whole time I grew up. Before they bought this farm and only renting they were looking at other places to buy and that meant we would heve to change schools and I was terrified of that (so shy) but in the end Evans finally sold it.

Yankee said...

Oh, Ruth, it makes us all feel sad...time to make these changes are never easy. We had many good times with you all, and have a lot of precious memories. We are with you in thought and prayer. Love ya...