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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Summer 2014


bottom of the front flower bed

Last winter was hard on all trees and plants...we lost 3 roses so
needed to get new  ones.  My favorite one died that I had for 3 years
or more...hard to find one to replace it.

Red roses in full bloom.

Some of the back flower beds....

The lilies were really pretty this year.

back flower bed
Another view of the back gardens...miracle grow does make a

Day on the Chain of Lakes...Waupaca

We had six kids with us that day... the Monday after Mason's birthday
party.  Mason, Saharah, Erin, Shawn, Bayley and Emily.

Nature makes such beautiful pictures.

We stopped by a they could swim... Shooter was along
and he loves the water too.


Mason with his Minion birthday cake. Alicia decorated the cake.

May 31, 2014

Spring at the Behm yard..

Our hostas were so big that we had to use back hoe to dig them out.
Once out we used a saw to cut was cut into eight good
sized pieces. some of the pieces we gave away and some we replanted.

Mason had to help with the mulch...filled both of the wheelbarrows
and then brought his to dump.


The front flower bed was changed...replanted some of the bigger hostas
close to the porch. The fountain was a gift from Alicia and Chris last year.
I like to sit on the porch and listen to the water. I was able to put my Dutch
people by the fountain and then we planted two rose bushes in there as well
as some hibiscus.

Almost finished...

Hostas and lilies in the back flower beds...

The kids and dogs having fun with Aunt Nia playing baseball!
The dog in the picture is Honey...she belongs to Aunt Amy...

The finished product..


Taelynn learning to drink from a straw.  5-16-2014

Eating with Mommy and Granny at Chili's.

She got this little couch from Mom and Dad for her  birthday.
She uses it a lot's so fun to watch her playing.

Taelynn at Sunset Point....the Fox river is in the background.

Levi, Taelynn, Kayla

Smiling at Mommy..

out on the dock..
Taelynn  and Granny

"just a swinging"

She likes the little cars at home at Great-Grandmas and at Mommy's work.

Friday, June 27, 2014

On the way home......Chamberline South Dakota

This was at the rest stop after crossing the Missouri River.

View of the Missouri from the rest stop.

The name of highway 80 across South Dakota.

We made a stop at Janna's on the way through Minnesota
and spent Saturday and Sunday nights with them.
When we got there in Saturday I was surprised to see Mom
there. She got a visit from Syd and he brought Mom up to Janna's.
 Sunday was Fulda special meeting and also Mother's day...
it was special to be with Mom for that .

On Monday Janna, Laura, Ruth Anne and I had a shopping day
in Sioux Falls.

He is in Blue Earth Minnesota.

We made a short dinner stop near Wells MN at Ruth Anne's
sister-in-law and husband. After the visit there we headed home

A very nice trip and I was glad I was able to go...Shelly is a very
good tour guide. It was nice to see old and new friends.


yucca plant blossoms gone..

this plant still has its blossoms.

These pictures were taken on the hills by Valentine....I took
them for the story we heard in the cattle lands...cattle really
like the blossoms of the yucca and when they are in a pasture
with these plants they do not like to leave .

Spring or Winter in Nebraska in May???

The pretty  blooming trees across the street from where we stayed in Crawford.

Really liked the tulips...reminds me of  Dad and the Tulip Days in Orange City Iowa.

And the next morning we woke to this in Rushville NE!!!

South Dakota

Buffalo in the Wind Cave park north of Hot Springs SD

Prairie dogs......

prairie dog sitting by his hole..


Old sod house by the Toadstones.
An old delapidated building...I like the looks of them.

We had lunch at the Homestead.....a place with lots of antiques and  builings
made like an old town on the prairie.

Some of the of the landscape in western Nebraska.
A set up of an old bedroom...kitty came to visit

More of the north western Nebraska.

Old house across from the Homestead.