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Monday, June 3, 2013

Family Pictures 2013

Janna, Sydney, Jenae, Peter, Brant
Ruth and Mom (Rosa deBoer)

Coy, Jodi, Austin, Colin, Dusty, Darron, Justine, Derek, Laura, Evan, Issac
Lori, Grace, Kelly, Angela, Mom

Derek and Justine's wedding

Derek, my nephew was married to Justine Walsh on June 1, 2013.

Janna and all her kids, Mom and I took the trip to Marysville Kansas to attend the wedding.
It was a good time and all of my siblings were there and several of the nieces and nephews as well as a great niece that I had never met. There was a also two great nephew I had never met.

The wedding was on the Marysville convention grounds as that is where Derek's grandmother lives and that is where his mother grew up. The wedding itself was in a barn...fixed up with little lights and one a Derek's cousins played the piano. It really sound neat in the old barn.

Bride: Justine Walsh deBoer

wedding party

the "limousine" that wedding party took across the
road to the reception

a fun pose

Derek and Justine deBoer