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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vista Royalle....

We went camping for a long weekend to a campground close to Bancrft Wisconsin. We took two of Chris' friend Kevin's kids along. On Saturday Kara, Terry and the kids came for the day. The fun is riding the golf cart around and the swimming the great food fixed over the fire....YUM!!

Trevor, Emily and Erin got to spend Saturday night with us....7 kids!!!

On Sunday we got up early got ready for meeting and headed to Kara and Terry's their kids could get between we stopped at Mickey D's for some breakfast that we ate at their house.

We went to meeting at Al Killiams. Then we were invited for  lunch. They had Trent and Sandra Nelson for lunch also....she was a Townsend which I knew when I lived in Scottsbluff Nebraska... so nice to see after 30 some years...when I lived there the young kids got together and went ice skating etc...


Last year in May we celebrated Daddy's 90th of the things he got was a hydrangea plant...we left it for the nursing home to plant...but they just put in on their patio. When he died I took the plant home because I was afraid it would just here is a nice remembrance of Daddy's is so pretty...growing and blooming so close to the ground.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Painted kitchen and living room..

For three days last week Kayla and I worked on painting my kitchen and living room. Today she was here to help me put the "stuff" up on top of the now I can put pictures on. The kitchen and living room are painted a pale soft yellow and one wall in the living room is a golden tan..also part of the bulkheads were painted too.

kitchen cupboards

hoosier cupboard, "brown" cupboard and  table that once belonged to Chris' greatgrandmother

living room from the kitchen

this wall is a golden tan as is part of the stairway

this shows the tan a little better

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mason helping Granny..

Kayla and I have been painting a good part of my home... and we of course have a helper once in a while... He loves tools and needs to try them in the one picture he needed to be on top of the desk because I was and was checking my electric fact today he had it and had a tack stuck in the end where the heads go...watching it go around!! First he was upset because I took the ends out...too smart!!! Next he was helping with the taping... and playing on the steps with whatever he could get a hold of...

More pictures coming of the finished rooms soon...still some things to put back together.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Chris has been working to get the stove hooked is now hooked up and first we thought the oven did not work but it does...just one burner needs some wiring fixed.

I picked out beadboard to put on the wall behind it...I painted that part today so the stove could be put up on it's brick pad. The rest of the kitchen will be painted at a later date.

I really like the look of an old fashioned kitchen!


The long weekend was a busy one at our house..this is the weekend of the rodeo in Manawa, so on Saturday we took the kids to the parade...they had fun eating hot dog and getting candy of the street.

Sunday after meeting we met Kara , Terry, Trevor, Emily and Erin and also Levi and Kayla and they had Alyssa with them at Hu Hot for lunch. It was not busy at all so we had a nice leisurely lunch!

Monday Chris, Mason and I went to the Forth of July parade in Waupaca...Mason now had parades down  pat and really got into it with his cousins....he even got a fishing rod!!! Shawn was not with us because he was in the Fremont parade walking with the Boys Scouts.

Jill, Chris' sister wanted to have a cookout for lunch at out house...most of Chris' family was here and in the evening to the fireworks...witch we beautiful as always.

Alicia did not get to join in the was her weekend to work...she had Saturday night off..was on call... and not called in so she did get to join us for Sunday!
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