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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mason and MUD

Last night Mason wanted to play outside...he found his car and pushed it down the hill by the snow on the mountain... then he was stuck...but the little car had a trunk full of who cares if the car is stuck!!! When I first say him he looked like the first picture and then I just watched and took pictures!! Much later we had to hose him down!!! and then a bath in the kitchen sink.
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Friday, June 18, 2010

16 years!!

Happy Anniversary Terry and Kara.. Love from Mom

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sunsets and Blue Hour

Where we live in the trees..we don't get to see the sunsets...and I like to take pictures of sunset..these were taken at the campground by Bancroft.

Blue Hour is something I have learned about reading blogs. It is the hour after sunset...taking pictures of the sky at this time..the sky looks blue but on the pictures it is a much deeper blue. the first two pictures are changed a little on the Picasa..with the I'm feeling lucky.. The last picture is from the campsite and is as it was taken.

Vista Royalle camping

The early part of this week we went camping at a campground near Bancroft, Wi... Alicia was off a few days so we all could go. The first evening was very nice weather and the kids went swimming in the beautiful man made pond...a nice sandy beach all the way around it.

Tuesday was a rainy day..but found enough to keep us occupied. Wednesday was party sunny with a brisk wind...made playing in the sand not so fun...this is Mason's favorite thing to do....he is just happy being outside.

Some pictures....

They took turns covering each other with sand...this was Chris' turn...Alicia needed add to it with the "hat" and toys. Shawn and Korrye are behind him.

Everyone sitting around the campfire.

Mason and I enjoying the campfire...although he would rather be off and running!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bear and Mason

Mason received a big white bear as one of his gifts from Fran who is a co-worker of Alicia's...she also was in Alicia's nursing class at Mid State.

It was fun to take pictures every month and see the growth! These pictures are credited to Alicia.

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Going Bananas Over Your First Birthday!!!!

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Mason's Mommy wanted his cake for the party for all the family to be the theme of sock monkeys...Granny did the cupcakes and Mommy decorated the big cake. All of Daddy's family was here as well as Great-grandpa Behm and Great-grandma Christianson and U. Levi and A. Kayla and U. Terry and A. Kara and Trevor, Emily and Erin. A few of the cousins on Daddy's side were here too.