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Thursday, April 29, 2010


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Last fall Alicia gave me a whole bunch of tulip bulbs and a few daffodil bulbs...I planted them in and around the rock garden outside of my home...they came up and I have lots of blossoms to are a few of them.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last pictures of the farm....

My brother Pete standing by his rig...getting ready to load it for the trip home. He took the topper from the pickup and used it to store the boxes of stuff he was taking home. It was raining off and on that day and sometimes it came down pretty hard.

Last picture of the stand of trees that lined the garden the last years. Last spring when I was there Dad was wanting to get the potatoes planted...he had a hard time walking and standing we both got down on our hands and knees and planted potatoes!!!

A peak of the cattle chute through a tree by the house.

Mason playing on the arbor to the bridge that goes to the mailbox.

Grandma "Cat" as the great grands call them made was showing it's age but still fun to play on!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Memories of 36 years ago.

Back in the year of 1974 we were waiting for our first baby to arrive...It was the morning of our first anniversary and Wanda was coming in the Denver airport from Minneapolis to visit us. We went down to pick her up and then did some shopping before coming on home. Soon after we got home the phone was the Dr's wondering what was going on...I said nothing..except the water had broken the day before..(they said labor would start on it's own) well didn't happen. So off to the hospital we go.. and Wanda spent the time with Verdis. By 8:20 PM Kara Renae Krisher arrived!!!

I am proud of her and her family and really cannot imagine life without her and the other two...


You grew up on a thought this picture would bring back memories...both of the farm and your kids locking you in the barn at the Ingalls homestead!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mason antics..

While we were doing our thing downstairs Mason was with us while Mommy was sleeping..cuz she worked all night..

This is one of the things he entertained himself had to be fast to even get a picture!!! he could really walked behind this... trying to keep up with great-grandpa!!

Cleaning and decorating.

Living room looking toward the kitchen.

Living room looking from the kitchen.


Friday and Saturday Kayla and I did some work on my house.

The first that we did was paint the wall around the window in my bedroom...I was ready for a little color..we used a canary yellow to help bring out the yellow in my quilt and then we painted a couple tables for bedside tables. I am happy with it and like the change.

We also moved my vanity so that I could use Mom and Dad's old dresser in my bedroom.
The quilt rack and shelf is hanging above it.

Then we did some rearranging in the living room...Kayla also changed some things in my bookcase and curio cabinet...I needed someone with a different perspective.

I even got the scrapbooks on the shelf in the closet where they belong!

There are things that need to go good-bye and they are waiting by the patio door.

Thanks so much Kayla for your help!! Hope you liked doing it as much as I liked what was done!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Special Sunday

Sunday was a special Sunday..Kara, Trevor, Emily and Erin came the night before...I was going to ride with them to Wausua because Alicia was suppose to work Saturday night and would not be able to go. Well she got call that night and was able to go with us. It was a very good day and Mason did very well for his first special meeting. Here is a picture of me with the grands...Shawn was not here this weekend..we missed him.

spring break for the grandkids

Kara and the kids wanted to make a trip to Iowa and South Dakota to see the grandparents and I was invited to go along.

On Tuesday the 6th we stopped in Sibley to get the keys for the farm and say a quick "HI" to Mom and Dad. We then went to the farm and the kids and Kara did some looking around for the last was fun to see what they remembered of their times at Grandpa and Grandma "Cat" as they were remembered by.

We went on to LeMars to finish the sale of the farm and for Trevor especially to be able to shop at WalMart!! It was pouring rain and very windy so Erin and I stayed in the car.

Back to Sibley to visit with Mom and Dad...we were hoping to get there for tea but was too late. Mom wanted to see the moving pictures and I had them on the laptop to show her...Dad saw them but did not say much.

Our next stop was at Tea, South Dakota to see the Krisher grandparents...Grandma still had her wrist in a cast and Grandpa seemed feeble.

We headed to Brookings SD for the night... it was time to do some vacationing.

We headed for DeSmet SD to see the Laura Ingalls Wilder sights. The kids had a lot of fun roaming around and going in the different buildings on the homestead site. Kara has been reading the books to the girls this past winter..Erin did go on and finished them on her own. It was fun to see how much they remembered!

We also saw the surveyors house and the house that "Pa" built.

Next we went on the Walnut Grove, MN to visit the sites by the banks of Plum Creek.

And then it was Home again, home again, jiggidy jig jig!!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Morning Greetings

When I was getting ready this morning I could hear the gate rattling. I peaked around the corner and this is who greeted me...with a wave and a smile.. Mason had a fall last night thus the big red mark on his forehead.